Earnings Disclaimer

Although I make every effort to accurately represent the services, information and/or products presented on my websites, I make no assurance, representation or promise, regarding future earnings or income, or that you will make any specific amount of money, or any money at all!

Earnings or income statements, or examples of earnings or income, represent estimates of what you may earn; however, there is no promise or guarantee that you my experience the same level of earnings or income. You should undertake your own due diligence regarding your evaluation of any services, information, and/or products presented on my websites.

Earnings and income potential are affected by a number of factors, over which I have no control, including but not limited to, your financial condition, talent, skills, level of effort, motivation, past experience and education, your competition, and changes within the market.

Thank you for your support.


Redpilledpreneur, Room 303:

tracyQ, redpillroom303@gmail.com

PO Box 7169, Unit 144029, Poole, Dorset, BH15 9EL.